Tuesday 12 November 2013

Lin-Chung Huang

Lin-Chung Huang is a  MA Fashion Design Technology Menswear student at  london college of fashion. http://showtime.arts.ac.uk/linhuang

Its a beauty of things unconventional. "
(Koren, 1994:7, Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets&Philosophers.)
He said:
I aimed to apply Wabi-Sabi spirit into my fashion collection, Wabi-sabi is about the hidden beauty around our life, it reminded me of the weathered houses around my hometown, they are forgotten with sealed memory, each mark and texture on them representing the tale of memory, they are formed into a beautiful installation in the landscape with nature. I feel something special in them and took many photos in a trip back home, they are very inspiring for me, this is where I had started .

The silhouette is based on that quality that wabi-sabi is about: Imperfect, Impermanent, incomplete. With the elements of deconstruction, the whole collection was inspired by wabi-sabi theory and from that, I started looking into the ruin architecture and the hidden details in the reverse tailor jacket. 

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