Monday 11 November 2013

What is Wabi Sabi?

Wabi Sabi is a japanese concept which is based on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. "Wabi Sabi nurtures all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities- nothing lasts, nothing is finished and nothing is perfect." (Powell Richard R. 2004 'Wabi Sabi Simple')
Wabi Sabi is about finding beauty in imperfection and in nature. It aims to accept the natural cycle of growth, decay and death. Characteristics of the Wabi Sabi aesthetic include roughness, irregularity and the appreciation of natural processes. Through Wabi Sabi we learn to embrace mould, rust, cobwebs, frayed edges etc.
Wabi Sabi teaches that beauty and wisdom are not already exising and waiting to be discovered but are instead in this moment, beauty can be found in anything.

The closest english word to wabi sabi is rustic.

Things that are 'wabi sabi' can appear coarse and unrefined.

{Wabi sabi - concept of Japanese aesthetics, stressing unpretentiousness, plainness, earthiness, and satisfaction with imperfection}.

I want to look at artists and designers that have been inspired by Wabi Sabi, and also to look for Wabi Sabi occurring in nature and unexpected places. 

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